Friendship bracelets are a super fun activity for kids and adults, but if you never learned the basics, It's hard to follow many of the tutorials and videos that you can find online
I decided to step things up and make some videos where the stitches and techniques are visible. Starting with a lesson on how to tie the right knot, we will work our way up to how to read a chart and make complex patterns.
The video starts with a lesson on how to tie a half hitch, the knot that makes up most friendship bracelets.
It them shows the process of beginning a Chinese ladder bracelet and how to make a full bracelet. But you don't want to look at my screen caps, so watch the video to learn more.
The next video will show simply and visibly how to tie double knots and how to use them in a candy striper bracelet. It won't be long before you can make any pattern you want.